This version includes system improvements and updates:
- [Update] For improved app handling we increased the tap area on the following buttons: edit “pencil” icon on an item line, actions link for an account, and lock icon for auto-logout
- [Update] We added a popup modal for users to enter the number of covers of a table when needed
- [Update] We redesigned the transfer of an order from one user to another for better transfer process clarity
- [Bug fix] We fixed an issue where decimals were not taken into account when transferring an item
- [Update] We have made improvements with our SIX payments integration for improved stability and support.
- [Bug fix] We fixed a bug where items of a sequence in free courses are always put in course 1.
- [Bug fix] This version includes additional stability improvements
- [New] POS users with correct permissions can enter the amount of their declared tip when clocking out.
- [Update] We updated the Zettle (formerly iZettle) SDK
- [Bug fix] We fixed an issue that prevented adding an item to an order after a partial payment had been made using the Advanced Bill Splitting interface
- [Bug fix] We fixed an issue that prevented renaming an Account in certain cases